Hot Tips For Hot Days in the Garden

Hot Tips For Hot Days in the Garden

While most perennials that Wild Bloom Nursery grows and sells are heat and cold hardy, there are a few things to keep in mind with the weather forecast predicting extreme heat across BC this summer. It doesn't hurt to be prepared and proactive in the garden. Here are some tips for keeping plants cool when temperatures rise.

MULCH! Mulching is critical! Mulch keeps water from evaporating, shades soil to keep the temperature several degrees cooler and suppresses weed growth. Organic mulches include shredded or chipped bark, compost, straw, well composted horse manure or whatever is locally available. Water thoroughly, then spread mulch 2-4 inches deep across your entire planting bed including empty spaces.

Putting water to work during the coolest part of the day is a no brainer as it prevents evaporation. Set your irrigation timers for between 10 pm and 6 am. If you don't have a hose bib timer for your sprinkler, get one. Most hardware and home improvement stores have them.
Automatic drip systems may not be enough in the hottest weather. While we recommend drip irrigation as the most efficient and reliable way to water, especially when paired with a hose-bib timer so you can water even when you're not at home – extreme heat may call for supplemental watering. Be sure to check often for wilted, heat-stressed plants and give them an additional soak when necessary, preferably early in the morning or in the evening. Be sure to check for watering restrictions in your area.

However you water, it’s always best practice to water slowly and deeply to encourage deep root growth, making plants less susceptible to heat stress.

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